Saturday, August 31, 2019

Ancient Roman Government Notes Essay

The â€Å"common-people† assembly which helped give the citizens more political power Empire- A dominating nation with extensive territories and a powerful ruler Laws of the 12 Tables- Guidelines for citizen’s behavior; a list of Roman customs about property and punishment Mercenary- A soldier who is hired for service in a foreign country Patrician- Member of Rome’s richest and most important families who served on the Senate for life Plebeian- The common person or lower-class citizen Roman Senate- One of the two houses of the early Roman republic Republic- A country run by the elected representatives of its people Tribune- A leader within the Concillum Plebus In 500 B. C the Roman government was forming into a republic; in which the people have the freedom to vote for their leaders. There were two parts, or two houses, to the Roman Republic: the Citizen Assembly and the Senate. The elected officials headed the two councils and they served one-year terms. The republic was established in 509B.C and lasted 500 years. Differences between the Greek and Roman governments: In Greece all men were allowed to vote In Rome only men with money/property could vote The Senate was the most powerful part of the government; all senators were patricians. To obtain political rights, the common people (Plebeians) formed their own assembly, the Concillum Plebus and named their leaders tribunes. Establishing peace and order gave Rome stability: Rome’s first code of law was esta blished in 450B. C. On ten tablets, ten legal experts wrote down a list of Roman customs about property and punishment. However, due to plebeian pressure, two more tablets were added to satisfy them. The final code was called the Laws of the Twelve Tables. By the end of the third century Roman law covered issues dealing with foreigners and eventually covered magisterial law to strengthen and correct existing law. The Roman Empire took its first steps of dominance in 27B. C when the law’s development was taken over by the emperors, who added and revised freely. As the law got more complex, the government had to literally train jurists who could understand and interpret the laws. The stability of the law, the military, and financial standing of Rom kept it powerful. Rome successfully battled the Carthaginians, the Celtics(British), the Etruscans, and the Samnites. The Roman Empire was established around 27B. C. The empire spanned three continents. The empire was divided into states that were ruled by governors who collected taxes and sent money back to Rome.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Stress and Self Esteem

In recent studies philosophers have discussed whether stress and self-esteem have any relations to one another. Does the effect of a person’s stress affect their self esteem? It might seem that a person with low self esteem could be the effects of a high level of stress. Self-Esteem affects everyone, especially teenagers. The articles suggest that there may be other factors that influence stress and self esteem. Introduction â€Å"The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines stress as a physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation.It may seem confusing but everyone has dealt with stress in their lifetime. Stress is something that is not diagnosed by a doctor, but when a person is stressed, they can definitely feel it (R. , Jill, 2012, par 2). What is self esteem? It is the opinion you have for yourself and your value as a person. Self confidence is also a major role in self esteem. Studies have shown that ther e is a negative relationship between self esteem and stress. It was also found that self esteem appears to control the effects of stress on psychological functioning.Those with low self esteem distribute more of a higher stress level than those with a high self esteem. By having a high self esteem it makes dealing with stress easier. High self esteem may protect the individual from distress by allowing the individual to feel less vulnerable and help them rise up from difficult situations. High self esteem may also result in more active and effective coping and in enhanced motivation in response to stress (Abel, 1996). Individuals have their own way they deal with stress and their self esteem.Stress and self esteem have relations to one another but people deal with things differently. â€Å"Another study examined self esteem as a moderator of the influence of perceived stress and coping on symptoms of depression in a sample of 713 college students. The results suggest that self este em may play an important role in the development of depressive symptoms in college students through interactions with perceived stress and coping (Eisenbarth, 2012, par. 1). † If an individual does not see them self as worthy, or important, a rise in stress is likely to occur (Eisenbarth, 2012).I believe the strength of the relationship between the two variables is a medium. Even though research suggests that stress and self esteem do not have such a close connection, I think self esteem and stress are closely connected because every person handles stress differently. If a person has a high level of stress and a low self esteem, it may cause his or her self esteem level drop even more. College students tend to have a higher stress level which could lead to serious depression disorders. The transactional model of stress and coping forwarded by Lazarus and Folk-man (1984) defines stress as an imbalance between people’s perception of the demands placed upon them and their interpretation of the resources available to cope with those demands (Esienbarth, 2012, par 3).† Those with higher levels of self esteem may take stress more lightly, while those with low self esteem may only see the negative sides of the stress which could cause their stress to heighten even more. â€Å"A United States study shows that forty three percent of adults suffer adverse health effects from stress (Hall, 2012, par 2). If an individual has a high self esteem and recently suffers from a lot of stress can cause the persons self esteem to go from high to low. Having a low self esteem can lead to weight gain and depression. If a person does not get help when suffering stress or self esteem problems, it could eventually lead to health problems. Researchers found that there is a strong relationship between how someone copes with stress and self esteem. People with low self esteem are more likely to view their behavior as being dependent on the situation while people with h igh self esteem have a greater ability to connect in a wide range of coping behaviors.Why do people with low self esteem view their coping behavior more as self-dependent? It has been suggested that self esteem influences coping because it is so strongly related to personal preferences which they use for their own differences and outcomes (Abel, 1996). It may be that peoples coping styles reflect their self esteem, but they could also be building a barrier that could make their self esteem crash. If a person continuously worries about their self esteem and how to cope with it, the more stressed and anxious they may become.Self esteem is not as important as self acceptance. Many people argue that self esteem and self acceptance are the same thing, however to some people they disagree (R. , Jill, 2012). Things people need to do to make themselves feel better is to learn to accept themselves for who they are and not what you expect yourself to be. Everyone does good and bad things. Str ess and self esteem are handled differently by everyone. Building a high self esteem can take years to complete and when they face stress it doesn’t affect them as much as it does a person with low self esteem.By having high self esteem it makes dealing with situations easier. People with low self esteem seem to be shy, quiet, and self conscious about themselves and when they have high levels of stress they tend to keep to them self and cope with it on their own (R. , Jill, 2012). There are many different ways of coping with stress because everyone has it. Stress is a normal situation for people and everyone deals with it their own ways. Even though research says stress and self esteem have little to do with each other, there have not been a lot of studies to prove it.In conclusion, Stress and self esteem have little to do with how people deal with or perceive the levels of stress in their lives. It has more to do with other factors such as coping styles and self concept. The purpose of this correlation essay was to research that people with high self esteem see themselves to have lower levels of stress than those with low self esteem and people who have low self esteem perceive themselves to have high levels of stress than those with high self esteem (Eisenbarth, 2012).References Abel, M. H. (1996). Self-Esteem: Moderator of mediator between perceived stress and expectancy of success. Psychological Reports, 79, 635-641. Eisenbarth, Chris. (2012). Does Self-Esteem Moderate the Relations among Perceived Stress, Coping, and Depression? College Student Journal, 46, 149-157. Retrieved from http://www. nclive. org. Hall, Joanna. (2012). Outsmart Stress. Good Health, 72-74. Retrieved from http://www. nclive. org. R. , Jill. (2012) Stress and Self Esteem. Retrieved from http://www. ourstressfullives. com

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Gran torino movie analysys Essay

The movie Gran Torino, is a movie that is based on an old neighborhood which was mostly American nationalities living there. Through the years this changed and it became an Asian society to live in. This movie was directed and produced by Clint Eastwood, which we has also one of the main characters in the movie. The story of the movie was written by Dave Johansson and the screen play was done by Nick Schenk. Walt Kowalski is a widower who holds onto his prejudices despite the changes in his Michigan neighbourhood and the world around him. Kowalski is a grumpy, tough-minded, unhappy an old man, who can’t get along with either his kids or his neighbours, a Korean War veteran whose prize possession is a 1972 Gran Torino he keeps in mint condition. When his neighbour Thao, a young Hmong teenager under pressure from his gang member cousin, tries to steal his Gran Torino, Kowalski sets out to reform the youth. Drawn against his will into the life of Thao’s family, Kowalski is soon taking steps to protect them from the gangs that infest their neighbourhood. â€Å"I have more in common with these gooks than my own spoiled, rotten family,† he tells himself. The three main actors that have the biggest emphasis towards the movie is Clint Eastwood. He is the one who plays Walt Kowalski in the movie. Then we have the two kids from his neighbours. Thao which is been portrayed by Bee Vang, and Thao’s sister Sue, which has been played by Ahney Her. There is a lot of intercultural aspects in the movie that we see but there is also a strong sense of how through the years, the differences from one generation to another and how alike they are in the different societies. Before Walt Kowalski in the movie start to care about Thao and Sue, and before he gets to know them, he is depicted as a mad old man, which he is also very racist towards and outsiders, but especially the people from the Asian lands. The argue that can be made for this reason is that Walt before settling down in the neighbourhood that he lived with his deceased wife, we was in the Korean war. It wouldn’t be easy for any man to live in a neighbourhood, in which the ethnicity of the people living there is of the same ethnicity in which we fought against in the Korean War. Through out the movie and especially when Walt starts to take Sue and Thao under his wings as a family one can say, and through out the stories that he tells and the harm’s he has done, in the end we can say that the way he dies to save Thao and Sue, it’s a way for Walt to get a type of redemption. He takes Sue and Thao as his children, to make right for him having two sons which he wasn’t ever there for them and vice versa. His relationship with those sons and their families is brusque because Walt is an emotionally closed-off guy. No one and nothing lives up to his standards, particularly the growing population of Hmong immigrants who now dominate his neighbourhood. Thao’s cousin is in a gang in the area, and when they try to force Thao to join the gang and they make a ruckus during the night, Walt just wanted his piece but by getting involved in the situation, he saves Thao and then Thao in order to repay him, he does various different chores for Walt and he gets to see that Thao and Sue aren’t as bad kids as he thought, he was just prejudice towards the people that he just didn’t know. And slowly by time he becomes fond of the family and starts acting in a way as he is their protector. The film illustrates town members forcing to make a choice as to which popular culture they will follow. They can follow a path of religion and live peacefully or they can choose a path of constant feuding by joining a gang. Either way, the town has become divided and both opposing cultures seem to be constituted as a popular lifestyle. The first major inter cultural communication is more of a tradition for the Hmong. When he unwillingly saves Thao, then the rest of the community, look to him in what they think that they have found a hero. They start bringing him different gifts and different plates of food as a way of them saying thank you for his actions. He still doesn’t want anything to do with them and tries to not accept them but there’s nothing else that he can do. Walt’s wife, according to the movie was a person of the church. And now that she has passed away, the father of the church, father Janovich tries to be there with Walt and tries to make sure that he will be fine. Walt is a man who is haunted by what he did in the Korean War. In the film, Walter speaks to Father Janovich and says, â€Å"The thing that haunts a guy is the stuff he wasn’t ordered to do.† Within these few small words, Walt describes to Father Janovich the chaotic mindset that keeps his life forever haunted. This gives us the notion that Walt is haunted by his actions in the past and that’s why now he is such a grumpy old man who can’t live in peace with the actions that he committed. Walt is an old man that is in a place where according to him, there isn’t something that someone can do that will reach to his standards. Throughout the movie, Walt seems incapable of speaking to his son’s without criticizing their every thought. When his two sons, Mitch and Steve Kowalski, talk at their mother’s funeral Steve says to Mitch, â€Å"The point I’m trying to make is that there’s nothing anyone can do that won’t disappoint the old man, its inevitable† it’s a struggle of the old generation which is Walt, and the generation that followed him, his sons. Walt can be said that he is more a patriot rather than a racist. But he is both and tries his best to make it known to the others. He is proud of his patriotism and watches helplessly as their neighbourhood is becoming a ghetto of other ethnic groups who seek only violence and just tear apart the neighbourhood in which he lives. Even now with the loss of his wife, he won’t allow his self to admit that he is alone, he has too much pride to do that. Walt saves Sue from a group of African Americans who were bothering her. He pulls out his gun and makes them leave her alone. Now Sue is a witty girl, and on the ride back to the house they start to engage in a conversation. Walt wasn’t polite but as I said Sue is a witty girl and she answered him in ways that were humorous. From that point on is where he starts to have a bond with the rest of the family as well. After this incident Walt starts being fond of the family. Later he is being invited to a barbeque that they are having. At first he didn’t want to go but with Sue, he changed his mind and went. As they start to eat and talk, sue lets him in in the various traditions that they have and their meanings. Later by not knowing he taps one of the small children in his head, something which is considered very rude. Sue explains to him that it’s believed that in the head is where the soul of the person resigns. Also that it’s impolite to stare, but then he sees the family doctor staring at him. Then sue talks to him and he wanted to read Walt. He told him that he lives in a life of pain and suffering and if he continues in this way he won’t have piece in his life. this family doctor and father Janovich are in a way trying to lead him to have a peaceful life. In all honesty, I believe the ending of this film was noble. Walt sacrifices his life in order to save Thao and Sue’s family from further harm. His courageous act not only places the entire Hmong gang behind bars, but also ends the conflicts between the Thao and his cousin who is the gang leader. He goes and faces them and In a way makes them kill him and now because they have witnesses Thao, Sue and their family won’t be bothered with again. Overall, I thought Gran Torino was an empowering movie. The film depicts actual scenarios of cultural conflict that can be found in today’s world, especially racism and small kids joining gangs. Sources Gran Torino the movie

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

No topic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

No topic - Assignment Example The project will be very expensive and international support will be definitely required. Total expenses involving construction, transportation, and installation can surpass $160m. If the greatest auroral storm or the largest solar flare to date hits the Earth on August 01, 2013 and I were to visit New York City that day, I would expect the sky all over to have a deep crimson hue. Everything around me would brighten up in the most brilliant and intense way due to the solar flare. All electrical and wireless systems will fail which will cause a lot of damage worth trillions of dollars. When power systems will shut down, the city will be badly affected as will my personal life. Everyone will have to survive without electricity and power of any kind. It will probably take me a long while to get back home. Our sun is quite common in the universe and is not at all unique. It is basically a ball of plasma of average size. Trillions of other stars of the same size as the sun and even bigger than it are scattered around the universe. Stars also produce their own light, just like the sun produces its own light. This makes the sun very common. However, what makes the sun unique among other stars in the galaxy is the fact that the sun is closer to the earth than any other star in the galaxy. Also, no other star can compete with the temperature of the sun. Light from the sun reaches us within minutes, while light from others stars can take years to reach the earth. Stars compose heavier elements from lighter elements by their fusion during their lives. These elements are then thrown out of stars into space and they form new stars. Humans have these heavier elements within them. Our earth and the remaining universe are also made out of these elements which came from stars. So, we are in a sense made up of star stuff. This means that our origin is related to elements heavier than hydrogen or helium. Those elements responsible for our origin and

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Supervision and Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Supervision and Leadership - Essay Example This paper highlights that leadership is not about management. Leadership focuses on the top line and Management focuses on the bottom line. While managers focus on the numbers, leaders focus on people. Management is doing things right whereas leadership is doing the right things. Team building and vision are the core of leadership. Leadership is all about building peak performing teams, teams focused on accomplishing goals. Leaders are able to effectively communicate and motivate the team to perform the set goals. As the report stresses leaders face the challenge of being part of a group while simultaneously leading it. This is hard to do well and requires a mix of skill, hard work, initiative, and discretion. A leader’s ultimate responsibility is the management of the group: ensuring safety, while providing an experience for the participants. Leaders work to make the expedition run smoothly and work together to ensure the project aims are met. A good leader recognizes that they cannot do everything and they have to involve their team. Many of the leader’s responsibilities can be delegated to members of the group. Leaders should remember that for many tasks, demonstration is better than explanation. Leaders must monitor progress against: the targets, the motivation and the enthusiasm of the team; the suitability of individuals for specific jobs; and many other items.

American Literature- Book- The Virginian by Owen Wister Essay

American Literature- Book- The Virginian by Owen Wister - Essay Example The author has explained the differences between the settled east and the west through its characters. In the west, people do not give much respect to the lives of others and they are killed even at the smallest of matters. However, the morals of the main character can be understood when at one point he refrained from killing a person. Following is an excerpt from the third chapter; These lines suggest that the main character is different from other men in the west and he tries to follow his own code of conduct in life. He does not draw his gun at every smallest matter like most men in the west. The author explains that it is the cowards who shoot before it is even necessary. It is the brave men who rationalize their actions first. The passage also suggests that it is only cowards who may be dangerous when they draw weapons, however brave men do not use their weapons irrationally and unless it is absolutely necessary. Thus, the author explains the moral values of the Virginian. The author explains the differences between the west and the east through the differences between the characters of the Virginian and Molly Wood. Molly Wood is a schoolteacher who does not exactly understand the Virginian’s ways but still they find themselves liking each other. In chapter eleven, the relationship between the Virginian and Molly strengthens when after a party, Virginian takes Molly for a horse ride and they get into an argument. Afterwards, Molly gives Virginian some books to improve his education and the Virginian gives Molly riding lessons. The Virginian finds himself in love with Molly and tries to confess it to her but Molly does not feel the same way. They had to separate due to their jobs. This may be the factor that triggered a change in the Virginian’s life. Towards the end of the book, the author shows that the Virginian is a changed man. When

Monday, August 26, 2019

Impact of the Economic Environment on a Success of New Enterprise in a Essay

Impact of the Economic Environment on a Success of New Enterprise in a Country - Essay Example This essay outlines the significance of correct appraisal of the international marketing environment for the successful conduct of a business in different countries in the age of globalization. Importance of healthy economic environment is considered in the essay. International marketing is faced with a variety of challenges as it is requires great strategies to achieve compatibility between different countries. This is in terms of the different needs of people in the different countries, as well as their regional differences. Different studies have shown that most international companies do not put into consideration this aspect of a country’s economy when coming up with their strategies. Such international companies still register success in their international markets, having disregarded the aspect of economic environment. This is a proof that economic environment is not the most important consideration in international marketing, as there are more important aspects. Of all the factors to be considered in appraising for international marketing, culture stands out as the most important factor. International marketing is a way of bridging between various countries and a way of profit creation. Culture is important in bridging between countries. However, economic factors also play an important role in determining the purchasing power and decisions of consumers in a country. This way, wealthy countries are the best platforms for international marketing as the purchasing power of their consumers is high. ... effective marketing strategies to counter this socio-cultural influence among countries, which believe that fitness is only important for the rich professionals and not the common man. By identifying themselves as alternatives to health, the fitness companies have managed to get an entrance into some of the countries that have this psychological attitude towards fitness. In addition, the McDonald’s Company has registered great success in different countries because of its cultural awareness in host countries. Mainly, this company adjusts its menus and diets to suit the dietary need and cultures of the people in the host countries (Francis, 2010). Apart from culture, the economic environment of countries is an important aspect for effective international marketing. This comprises a country’s GNP. GDP, as well as per capita income. These are essential in determining the power of consumer buying in a country. If these are high, it means the consumer buying power is also hi gh. Business executives interested in international marketing can therefore, use these to determine the level of a country’s economic environment, as well as its market profitability (Kaynak, 1991). The economy of a country is a great influence in international marketing, as this comprises elements that are indicators of the height of market profitability in countries. It is therefore certain that the economic environment of a country is paramount in international marketing, given the important information it provides on wealth, consumer buying power, and income level, which are important market indicators (Muhlbacher, Leihs, & Dahringer, 2006). However, different studies have shown that most international companies do not put into consideration this aspect of a country’s economy when coming up

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Power Play for Howard, Negotiating Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Power Play for Howard, Negotiating - Assignment Example Another important consideration is that negotiation implies acceptance by both parties that agreement between them is required before a decision can be implemented. The requirement of negotiation is there need to be minimum two parties involved in the negotiation process. There must exist some common interest, either in the subject matter of the negotiation or in the negotiating context that puts or keeps the parties in contact. Introduction to case: Power play for Howard Juwan Howard is a 23 year old young basket ball player. And this case study dealt with the young players negotiation techniques between the two teams. Howard was introduced in 1994 by the Washington Bullets, a junior from University of Michigan with the 11 year contract for $37 million. He was hard working and, for the most part, conducted himself with class and dignity on and off the court. Juwan Howard became a all time favorite key player in the basket ball team. People of Washington wanted to keep Juwan Howard w ith them as he is a star player and they wanted a win to Washington after a long span of 9 years. Even the agents and managers of various clubs wanted to keep him with them. Hence there was a huge demand for Juwan Howard in the society and this case study tell us about the negotiation technique that adopted by Juwan Howard to increase his bidding value and also the agents to bring Juwan Howard in their team but not creating any financial risky situation to their respective clubs. Negotiation is not a very simple process. In negotiation each party wants to have their upper hand and want to gain profits. Therefore during negotiation each party will have certain advantages it can be tangible and intangible, costs and risk associated with their contracts. Hence it is the capacity of a person who does the negotiation to ensure that he will get the maximum benefits. Negotiations involved in this case study are bit complicated as all the parties involved in it and they were just observing other peoples move so as to open their trump card. In this case study Juwan Howard’s name and fame is going to give a lot of benefits to him in terms of money. The basket ball game is very famous amongst the people so each game used to get around $136,000 revenue, and hence Juwan Howard thinks that he also should get a very good remuneration for himself. Moreover Howard is emotionally attached to Washington, and leaving will cause him lot of pain which is also can be reason for high quotation. Although he agreed to leave Washington and join Miami Heat, which gave a guaranteed seven year, contract worth $100.8 million. It is the biggest deal in the history of team sports, along with luxury hotel suites and limousine service during his road trips. This is a huge deal for Howard in his young age of 23 years. Howard almost was the highest paid basketball player during the 1996 and 1997 season, but his contract was voided by the NBA. However the confused story of Howard returns to the Bullets in August 1996 signing a contract, but Heat went to court challenging the NBA’s ruling. But using the Heats quotation Howard and his agents could negotiate better with Bullets winning a contract of over 100 million. This explained the extent to which the pro sports have become a mesh of emotion and financial reason with on court talent and the off court financial

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Enivironmental archeology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Enivironmental archeology - Essay Example In his explanation Diamonds tries to explain a number of issues in relation to the environment and social calamities. He alludes and associates the occurrence of collapse of the society to the presence or the occurrence of a massive decline in population ,complexities in economics and the social failures of an area over a long time duration affecting the well being and the very tenets of survival of the society. However ,he poses the question of how to quantify whether the actions and occurrences of the society warrant being valued as having collapsed over the years and in relation to social developments. Many theories have been advanced on the collapse of societies; some have taken a non linear process portraying sudden and non practical paths of explanation. The processes try to explain the sources of societal collapse such as human calamities and the mundane nature of daily events which to some extent give relatively disturbing information on the viability of the subjects under investigation (Flannery). Diamond explains that collapse is related to the occurrence of the phenomenon whether it is over a time duration or whether the act occurs instantaneously as a drastic action but the area factor is quite important to be put into consideration when looking into the collapse. He further explains the collapse of France in 1940 and that of the Soviet Union in 1941 not as actual collapse but merely political collapse. The biological and cultural elimination of the Tasmanians which Diamond explains in Guns, Gems and Steel is equally not a representation of collapse since the people rapidly later increased the population and developed more complex social settings compared to the previous ones. Generally this collapse though they are affecting the political and social states of the society ,they do not quantify and qualify to be regarded as absolute collapse (Diamond). The raid by the Mongols in 1258 in

Friday, August 23, 2019

Choose one topic from list Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Choose one topic from list - Essay Example In particular, small businesses in the European Union are characterised with a headcount of only 10-49 employees. Their earnings or balance sheet ranges from â‚ ¬10 million to â‚ ¬49 million. (Europa 2003) On the other hand, in the United States (US), the standards for small businesses set by the Small Business Administration Size Standards Office are rendered more specific. In terms of employment size, small businesses in the mining and manufacturing industries employ less than 500 workers, while those in the wholesale trade industry hire not more than 100 employees. Small enterprises for most retail and services industries in the US post annual receipt of about $6 million. (Small Business Administration 2002) Given the above characteristics, it can be seen that similarities of small businesses generally lie in the small employment size and low volume of sales per year. Small businesses also have limited amount of assets. As such, their capitalisation requirements are not as great and demanding as the financing required by large businesses. Financing for all types of businesses come in several forms. However, sources of funding are classified as either debt or equity. Utilisation of these primary funding sources depends upon the amount of capital required, nature of proposed investment and other terms that materially impact the financial position of businesses. Companies often used debt and equity in combination that would result in the maximisation of the value of the businesses. In order to raise the immediate financing need, owners of small businesses may opt to borrow funds from various sources. The main sources for debt financing include banks and other financial institutions (Lister & Harnish 1995). To defray the day-to-day expenses of their business, small business owners may consider availing of demand loan or utilising lines of credit. Demand loans usually have floating interest rate and are repaid within the year

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Explore Blakes Chimney Sweeper poems from the Songs of Innocence and the Songs of Experience Essay Example for Free

Explore Blakes Chimney Sweeper poems from the Songs of Innocence and the Songs of Experience Essay In this essay I am going to explore Blakes Chimney Sweeper poems from the Songs of Innocence and the Songs of Experience. During this essay I will cover Blakes life and times and the way chimney sweepers get treated around that time and what Blake attempts to do about it. Blake was born on November 28 in the year 1757. His parents where strict but understanding. Blakes parents realised early in his life that Blake was gifted. He had an extremely active imagination and he often got visions. At only four years old he claimed he had seen God in one of these visions. Another time when he was with one of his friends he envisaged angels filling a tree. He horridly told his family what he saw but the response he got from his father was quite negative. His father threatened to whip him because he believed it was time for him to grow up. However his mother took Blakes side and when she asked him about it he stated that the angels took the form of his thoughts. This vision was stuck with him and was extremely influential in his life. Blake obviously had a gift for seeing things with his eyes and in his imagination. He used his artwork to express his experiences. When Blake turned ten years of age his parents decided to enrol him into a drawing school. Later on in his life Blake used his talent as an artist to become a apprentice engraver. Throughout Blakes life he had a dislike for nasty, unfair people especially towards those that had power and money like those in the government, and those that where associated with the church. Blake also could not stand power abusers and bad unfair treatment towards the poor, young and elderly. In the time of William Blake chimney sweepers went through a torrid time, it was as if they where young slaves. The age of the infants varied between five years old to the age of eight or nine if they could be fit up the chimneys. They where often bought off parents for as little a à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½2, in some cases however they may be purchased for à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½5 but it is still a despicable price to pay for a young child. In the extreme cases the chimney sweepers where stole from familys. When the sweeps had lost the use around the age of seven they get passed over to the church. Blake despised the serious health problems the sweeps got from this demanding life of threatening work. Most sweeps after only a short time of working in the chimneys end up with twisted kneecaps, ankles and even spines from crawling up the extremely cramped chimneys. There was even such a thing as chimney sweeps cancer which they got from the soot irritating there skin. Again we can see why Blake hates the idea of chimney sweepers and there treatment, they are forced to do inhumane things that even animals would never be told to do. The master sweeps imbedded fear into the young brains and subjected them to clean chimneys. They where made to live in the most inhabitable of conditions. They often slept on soot bags in dirty wet cellars. The sweeps where forced to clean the chimneys if they refused or could not fit up the chimneys they where punished by the fire being lit, slaps, prodding with poles and various other instruments and pricking of the bottoms of their feet. All this just so the master sweep can make an easy living from the poor misfortune of innocent children. Blake strongly disagreed with the treatment of the sweeps so much he wrote two beautiful poems about their treatment, these featured in two separate books, Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. The first chimney sweeper poem is from the Songs of Innocence, Blake shows a strong message through his poems, and they sometimes come across light hearted like nursery rhymes. But often, if not all the time they have a dark sinister meaning. This is the beginning of Chimney sweeper 1 and straight away Blake invites the reader to feel sympathy for the situation the family is in. It shows how poor the family is, it gets so bad the father has to sell his child to get some money to keep the rest of the family going. This reflects on the state of working class people of that time. When my mother died I was very young, And my father sold me while yet my tongue. The boy is sold so young that it has not even developed the ability to speak properly; in the poem he Could scarcely cry weep! weep! weep! weep! The boy could be crying in this passage or he could be trying to say the word sweep but is unable because of his age. This is clever by Blake because the passage has a double meaning; this carries on throughout the poem. The effect of the first stanza is to bring the reader into perspective of what lengths of desperation the families go to, to earn a small amount of money. In the second stanza the audience is introduced to Tom Dacre, his hair is shaved off and Tom is very upset about this. Blake feels very strongly about the dehumanisation of people and shows this in his poems. Blake compares Tom to a lamb because a lamb is innocent like the chimney sweeps and is also a form of sacrificial animal so it is showing there inability to have there own personality and independence. Theres little Tom Dacre, who cried when his head, That curld like a lambs back, was shavd The final part of this stanza represents the pureness of Tom Dacre. The soot represents the master sweeps trying to make him impure but the white hair represents how innocent Tom is. The effect of this stanza is to bring across the innocents of the sweeps to the audience. Hush, Tom! Never mind it, for when your heads bare, You know the soot cannot spoil your white hair. The third stanza is when Tom has a dream; in his dream he has visions of thousands of dead sweeps. The coffins of black represent a enclosed environment with dead sweeps covered in black soot. Blake involves the fact that thousands of chimney sweepers died to once again show the audience what really goes on. That thousands of sweepers, Dick, Joe, Ned, Jack, Were all of them lockd up in coffins of black. In Stanza four Tom Dacre is still in his dream and an Angel comes to set him free, this represents the chimney sweeps being liberated from their life of peril. And by came an Angel who had a bright key, And he opend the coffins set them all free Then Blake goes on in the conclusion of this stanza to contrast there life when they are trapped being made to go up chimneys, to being let to run free and be there own boss. It is everything they can not do when working as a chimney sweeper. Blake mentions that they wash in the river, this symbolises that they have left that dark past behind them and are moving on. This stanza has a light hearted mood and shows everything that the chimney sweepers can not have. In the fifth stanza Blake brings his feelings about the church through. The unfairness and manipulative abilities the church is shown in this stanza. And the Angel told Tom, if hed be a good boy, Hed have God for his father, never want joy. This means basically that if you do not sin you get to go to heaven. The angel represents the heartless church who manipulate through fear. This is what Blake is strongly against. In the final stanza of the first poem the boys go back to work after Tom wakes and have to work in poor conditions. And so Tom awoke; and we rose in the dark, And got with our bags our brushes to work. In the end of the last stanza Blake makes it seems as if it has finished on a high note, however Blake doesnt believe in this naive belief. So if they do all their duty, they need not fear harm. That was the first of the two chimney sweeper poems, throughout this poem Blake says one thing but if you look deeper into it, it has a much deeper sinister meaning. The second chimney sweeper poem is from the Songs of Experience this poem has a different angle that the first poem. Stanza one, The Chimney Sweeper 2 begins like this; A little black thing among the snow, Crying weep! weep! in notes of woe! Where are thy father mother? Say They are both gone up to church to pray. Blake represents the chimney sweeper in the first part, calling it A little black thing among the snow, To Blake the black represents the sweep all dirty and tainted. And calling it a thing dehumanizes the sweep. Blake wrote, A little black thing among the snow because the chimney sweeper is tainting society which is the white snow. Blake uses the same words from The Chimney Sweeper 1, in this poem for the same effect, to show the young boy upset, confused. Crying weep! weep! At this point in the poem the audience can not tell who is speaking. I believe it is the poor people; they are represented as chimney sweepers. The chimney sweeper is lost in society, represented by the snow. The government which is represented by the chimney sweepers parents is ignorant to reality. Blake has used the situation in the poem to express his feelings about politics of that time. Because I was happy upon the heath. And smild among the winters snow, The boy in the second poem has had more experience chimney sweeping and has come to terms that there is nothing he can do about it. He puts on a brave face and gets on with it, when compared to Tom Dacre in Chimney Sweeper 1 he doesnt have the naivety that Tom had. Once again I think Blake had another meaning that poor people represented as the chimney sweep are happy and they smile in society. They clothd me in the clothes of death, And taught me to sing the notes of woe. The parents of the chimney sweeper in this poem clothed there son and sentenced him to death when they decided to sell him to a master sweep. They made the boy cry when he had to leave and now he is alone and knows it. I think that Blake had another deeper meaning. I think the chimney sweeper represented poor people, they got clothed in the clothes of death by the chimney sweepers parents represented as the government. In the final stanza Blake goes on the attack at the church and the government he does this by provoking anger towards them through the unfairness of it all. And because I am happy dance and sing, They think they have done me no injury, In these lines Blake is how the chimney sweeper feels after his ordeal, putting on the front everything is ok when it is not. Going deeper into what Blake is trying to bring across is representation that the chimney sweep is the poor people again. The final two lines Blake attacks the church and the government, the chimney sweep is wise and is experienced and realises that the church and government exploit the poor so that they can make their own heaven out of the money from the society. And we gone to praise God his Priest and King, Who make up a heaven of our misery

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Psychology in African American Essay Example for Free

The Psychology in African American Essay ?Over the last 500 years, our country has established and battled one of the largest socio-tragedies known to man: racism. While this pestilent issue has affected many ethnic groups, the most publicly known is the racial discrimination concerning African Americans. By my reasoning, along with many sociologists and psychologists, racism is the root cause of African American race socialization. Race socialization is the theory of verbal and non-verbal messages being transmitted to specific ethnic groups for the positive or negative development of behaviors, philosophies, morals, and attitudes concerning the significance and importance of racial stratification, intergroup interactions, and personal and group identity. The timespan in which I will be surveying connects milestones of race socialization with many of the most significant moments in United States history. The primary sources I will be using as support for this paper will be several works by W. E. B. Du Bois1 and a book by Dr. Faye Belgrave entitled African American Psychology: From Africa to America2. The psychological effect that racism and race socialization has had on African Americans is more than apparent not only through texts written by various sociologists and psychologists, but also throughout history. I will focus on a specific fifty-year span when race socialization took effect, racism was socially acceptable and ultimately racism was combatted. It is my purpose in this paper to discuss, examine and determine the psychological effect that racism and race socialization has had on American citizens of African descent between the timespan of 1870 to 1970. To better recognize the psychology behind African American race socialization, the idea of racism has to be understood. Racism is the belief that all members of each race possess the same characteristics and abilities. Racism came about when the Caucasian race felt superior to other ethnic groups and began categorizing them by their combined racial and ethnic traits. The problem with the categorization is that race and ethnicity are not the same thing3. Racism uses ethnic traits and forces them onto a group of people as their â€Å"race†. Ethnicity is considered to be similar cultural factors like nationality, culture, ancestry and language. While race is comparable physical appearances like skin, eyes, hair and jawbone structure. Combining these two factors and using them against people who appear to be similar is exactly where racism stems4. Another strong belief is that racism plays on the weaknesses and self esteem of the targeted group. In Dr. Faye Belgrave’s book African American Psychology: From Africa to America, she discusses how racism and racial identity are directly influenced by the Western ideology of self-esteem. Dr. Belgrave concludes that racism, in regards to anyone of African descent, should not be defined by Western ideologies because they are not of Western descent. This is explained on page 11 of her book5. In understanding what self-esteem is from an African as well as a Western perspective, one must understand the difference between Western and African conceptions of the self. Using a Western definition, self-esteem can be defined as a feeling of liking and regard for one’s self. From an Africentric perspective, the personal self is indistinguishable from the self that is derived from membership in the African community (Nobles, 1991). Therefore, one’s affiliation to one’s group defines one’s view of self. The African proverb, â€Å"I am because we are and we are because I am,† characterizes this notion of the self. Thus, the self-esteem of people of African descent may be different from that of Whites, and it also may function differently for African Americans than for Whites. Dr. Belgrave continues her thoughts on self-esteem and the many other factors that contribute to racism in chapter 9 of her book. It is the belief of many that racism is a part of human nature. I, however, believe that to be untrue because it is well known that the terms â€Å"race† and â€Å"racism† are modern inventions originating from the 1500s. Racism has historically been used as a form of oppression to make a particular group feel inferior because of a difference in inherited characteristics. The Civil War6 abolished slavery and struck a great blow to racism. But racism itself wasn’t abolished. Just as racism was created to justify slavery in the colonies, racism as an ideology was modernized and since majority of blacks still remained in the South, this affected the entire race. It now no longer warranted the enslavement of blacks, but it justified second-class status for blacks as inferior individuals. Racism also remained one of the main ways that the upper class used to keep colored and white workers divided. After the Civil War, Southern legislatures commenced the business of determining the social status of freedmen. Some laws, known as the Black Codes7, granted to freedmen were legally recognized marriages, the right to own and sell property, and the ability to enter into business relationships. However, in most cases the black codes also prohibited African Americans from serving on juries, providing legal testimony and the right to an equal education. The codes also outlawed interracial marriage and created segregated public facilities. The codes prohibited younger African Americans from associating with any white peers. This meant that their so-called education was of a severely lesser quality. Historians believe that one of the main reasons why Southern legislatures shied away from granting educational opportunities for blacks wasn’t because of ambiguous racism but because historians saw the African factor†8 as the difference between success and failure. This suggested that the white’s racist view undermined any motivation for national unification through mass education. Well-known sociologist, W. E. B. Du Bois believed that the overall shortcomings of the black race fell entirely on the fact that blacks were not given the same opportunities as whites and it affected the psyches of each member of the targeted group. In an essay by Du Bois entitled â€Å"Race Intelligence†9 Du Bois discusses the psychological effect of racism on younger African Americans: Then came the psychology: the children of the public schools were studied and it was discovered that some colored children ranked lower than white children. This gave wide satisfaction even though it was pointed out that the average included most of both races and that considering the educational opportunities and social environment of the races the differences were measurements simply of the ignorance and poverty of the black childs surroundings. 10 Du Bois spent majority of his career observing the sociological factors surrounding African Americans and the hindrances in their paths. Du Bois’ works do not focus on making African Americans appear as victims but as something to learn and grow from. Du Bois believed racism had no place in this world. When the 1900s began and the Roosevelt Administration11 took over, race socialization was still being transmitted from older generations to younger. In 1903, Du Bois wrote a collection of essays entitled, The Souls of Black Folk12. In this book, Du Bois clearly states that the â€Å"problem of the twentieth century is the color line. † The color line was the segregation between blacks and whites and what many African Americans believed would be the biggest problem for their race. This however, was untrue. What African Americans at this time didn’t know was that their daily dose of racism and discrimination was only the surface of their problems. What wasn’t seen at the time was the aftermath of what this entire decade of racism would cause for the entire race. The psychological affect of racism and eventual race socialization every future generation would face would be equally if not worse then what had already been suffered. W. E. B. Du Bois believed that one of the race’s biggest struggles was constantly seeing themselves with such little respect and diminishing their self worth because of what the so-called ‘dominant’ race thought of them. This is also shown in Du Bois’ The Souls of Black Folk: â€Å"After the Egyptian and Indian, the Greek and Roman, the Teuton and Mongolian, the Negro is a sort of seventh son, born with a veil, and gifted with second-sight in this American world, —a world which yields him no true self-consciousness, but only lets him see himself through the revelation of the other world. It is a peculiar sensation, this double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at one’s self through the eyes of others, of measuring one by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity. One ever feels his two-ness, —an American, a Negro two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two warring ideals in one dark body, whose dogged strength alone keeps it from being torn asunder. The history of the American Negro is the history of this strife, — this longing to attain self-conscious manhood, to merge his double self into a better and truer self. † 13 Du Bois life mission was to make a name not only for himself but also for his race and his country. This is reflected in his diary when he wrote, â€Å"I therefore take the work that the Unknown lay in my hands and work for the rise of the Negro people, taking for granted that their best development means the best development of the world†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 14 Understanding racism in this way implores the strategy that we use to combat racism [socially] and the belief that racism has caused race socialization and directly influenced the slow progression, both academic and social, of African American people. Over the last 50 years, psychologists and sociologists alike have tried to study the effects of racism on ethnic groups, especially African Americans, and have been uninspiringly successful. I believe that Dr. Faye Belgrave has the answer why. In her book, African American Psychology: From Africa to America, she explains why: â€Å"Some of the methodological issues that were historically problematic in studying African Americans remain today. The best methods for studying African American populations may differ from the methods for studying other ethnic groups. For example, the experimental method is the favored method in psychology and has been considered the gold standard for con- ducting research. However, it may not always be the best way to arrive at an understanding of the psychology of African Americans. Other methods such as interviewing and observing may be more appropriate, depending on what is being studied. African psychology considers self-knowledge and intuition to be as important as source of knowing as observable data. Self-knowledge is derived from asking people about themselves not from observing them under experimental conditions. †15 Perhaps the reason why we’ve had such a hard time pinpointing the real root of racism and thus a ‘cure’ is because it isn’t being studied or treated properly. The concept of racism is treated like any other social problem, not the disease that it is. Racism has developed from its initial form of discrimination into an entire ideology [race socialization]. Antiracist education is crucial, but not enough. Because it treats racism only as a question of â€Å"bad notions† it does not speak to the core surface conditions that allow the acceptance of racism among large sections of the country. Entirely defeating the hold of racism on large sections of ethnic groups involves three circumstances: a larger group retaliation that ties together members of the ethnic group along the color line, attacking the circumstances (lesser pay, treatment, education, etc. ) that allow the attraction of racism to a so-called ‘superior’ ethnic group and the mindful involvement of antiracists to fight racism in all its forms and to win encouragement for interracial class unity.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Consideration of baseline in EIA

Consideration of baseline in EIA Consideration of baseline in EIA Chapter one: Introduction 1.1 EIA and Baseline Environmental impact assessment, EIA was developed in order to provide decision makers with an understanding of the environmental consequences of a proposed development. It provides information on the nature and extent of impacts arising from the construction and operation of proposed projects. This is presented in environmental reports that contain information required by the EIA directives. These required information may include; a description of the proposed project, an outline of main project alternatives, description and assessment of aspects of environment likely to be significantly affected by the proposed development and a description of measures established to manage significant adverse effects on the environment. A key element of EIA is to provide adequate description of the current environment condition, otherwise referred to as baseline assessment. They are often referred to as the environmental setting, existing conditions, affected environment, background environment, environmental conditions, environmental receptors, and baseline data (Shepherd, 2006, Canter 1996, Eccleston, 2001). The need for its consideration in EIA is a topic raised by several researchers (Wood 2003, Glasson et al., 2005, Carroll and Turpin 2009, Lawrence 2003, Morris and Therivel 2009, Wathern, 1992). For them baseline can be regarded as the main support for the EIA process, which identifies existing environmental conditions and relevant potential areas that may be affected by a proposed project. The importance of baseline is also manifested in EU regulations. It is moreover set in EIA directives (schedule 4, part 11) that the current environmental conditions of the study area, its possible future evolution and tech nical deficiencies/ limitation experienced while carrying out the study should be reported in an environmental statement. Studies (Wathern 1992, Glasson et al., 2005; Andre et al., 2004, Wood, 2007) revealed that despite its roles and benefits in the EIA process, the aspects of baseline considered remains substandard. Questions on the definition, methodology, specific aspects to be considered, remain an issue. 1.2 Contextual review Baseline is a preliminary step in the EIA process which is implemented in the UK through the Town and Country planning (SI 1999 N0 293) Regulations 1988 and the subsequent 1999, 2000, 2006, 2008 amendments. Theories have revealed though it is recognized that collection of appropriate and sufficient, baseline data can be time consuming and expensive. In spite of this, the value of this information can produce a significant outcome on the quality of the overall EIA process. 1.3 The research This research intends to address the subject of baseline in EIA process. It will look specifically at the influence of baseline on the EIA process. It begins by describing the origins and principle of EIA with particular reference to its legislative beginnings, secondly, the issue of good quality baseline and effectiveness of EIA is discussed, research approach is then outlined and the findings of the studies are presented and analysed. The findings of the research are considered in comparison with the literature, with reference to its more substantive purposes before drawing conclusions and possible recommendations. Moreover, there has been limited investigation to date on baseline and how it influences the out come of EIA process in practice. It is therefore expected that this dissertation would add to the knowledge on baseline and make recommendations on baseline implementation in EIA process. 1.4 Aim Overall aim is: To determine how baseline influence EIA process decision making and promote the importance of baseline in EIA process. 1.5 Research questions and Hypothesis In order to pursue the aim identified above, a set of research questions have been developed which when answered enable the research aims to be achieved. Responding to this question is the focus of the dissertation. Questions to be answered include: How are baseline currently addressed in ES? Does adequate baseline study influence EIA decision making process? For this research the hypothesis has been formulated that: Good baseline quality contributes to effectiveness of the EIA process The formulation of this hypothesis was influenced by the EIA regulation requirement for baseline information and also limited knowledge on baseline influence in EIA decision making process. 1.5 Dissertation structure Based on the research aims and hypothesis the structure of the dissertation is divided into seven chapters and is set as follows: Chapter 1: Introduction The dissertation begins with an introductory part to set out an overview of EIA process, explaining how the baseline fits into the EIA process. The research aim is then identified and hypothesis is formulated and justified for the purpose of this research. A brief summary of the research approach and contents of subsequent chapters are then revealed. Chapter 2: Methodology This chapter outlines the research methodology, the parameters of the literature search, selection of relevant information and research limitations. Provides details of evaluation framework developed to analyse the chosen environmental statements, relevant planning files and interview approach and structure. Chapter 3: Background Following the methodology, this chapter sets out a literature review as the backbone of this research. The structure of the literature review is based on EIA and baseline. It starts by examining the concept of EIA and it various steps; attention is based more on how baseline fits into the overall EIA process. Chapter 4: Criteria for effective EIA process and good practice baseline This chapter sets out the first stage of the methodology. It explores the terms used in developing the research hypotheses i.e. effective EIA and good quality baseline in order to develop a checklist for the review. This was achieved by information from various researchers who have studied EIA effectiveness and good practice baseline and also notes from existing guidance documents and existing EIA/EIS review criteria. Chapter 5: Presentation of result and analysis This chapter Outlines presentation of results and analysis of the interviews and reviews of EISs. Details on results and findings of the 3 research are then discussed, linking the theoretical perspectives and frameworks discussed to that of practice. Chapter 6: Conclusion Finally, the conclusion is drawn whilst connecting the research hypothesis and literature review to the content of the dissertation, limitation is outlined and recommendations are drawn. Appendices: Relevant appendices of supporting information follow a bibliography of information sources. Appendix A lists acronyms used in this research, Appendix B lists EIA directive requirements of information to be presented on the ES. Appendix C lists the summary of the four statements reviewed, a summary of the interview together with their individual responses are attached as appendix D. A summary of the findings of the review are then attached as appendix E. 1.7 Relevance of the research topic to course of study The course of study Environmental assessment and management deals with natural resource management and planning. Specifically, management of the environment and project coordination. EIA was introduced as an environmental management tool its purpose and principle plays an important role in planning system of UK environment. It involves assessment of a specific environment to identify impacts and develop measures of controlling the impacts that may occur as a result of a proposed development in order to enhance the environment. Baseline is an initial step in the EIA. There have been numerous questions on how EIA achieves its primary purposes. In this case, it is important to evaluate baseline which is one of the initial steps to highlight how it helps achieve its purposes. In general, the course aims to provide student with an understanding of principles methods and procedure in EAM. EIA is central to environment assessment and management. Hence, it is evident that the research topic is relevant to the course of study and its proposed aim is expected to be achieved. 1.8 Overview In summary, the EIA regulation indicates that the data required for any project which is likely to generate significant environmental effects must be assessed and stated in an environmental statement. In addition, the influence of baseline on outcome of EIA is limited. This research sets out to address this issue. For this purpose, research aim and hypothesis have been developed, to set out research questions in order to identify a focus of the research. A methodology adopted for this purpose is exposed in the next chapter. Drawing generalization from research investigation and providing information for subsequent replication of studies, suggestions are made about the types of information to include when describing baseline conditions in this research.

Americas Growing Pains :: essays research papers

America’s first two presidents, George Washington and John Adams, both resolutely adhered to the idea that America should endeavor to stay out of war at all times, and did everything in their power to evade declaring and entering into war. Throughout their reigns, war was ubiquitous in Europe, and many countries (especially Britain and France) made numerous attempts to obtain and secure America’s support. Washington and Adams both believed that America should not side with any foreign country during times of war making the fundamental purport of America’s first foreign policy the elusion of war at all costs. This policy was manifested throughout Washington and Adams’ involvement in, and reactions to the following affairs: the Citizen Genet controversy, the Jay Treaty, and the XYZ Affair.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of Washington’s initial attempts to pursue this policy was his counteraction to the Genet Affair. In 1793, George Washington proclaimed neutrality, thus declaring America an uninvolved, nonpartisan country in times of war. Simultaneously, Edmond Charles Genet was sent to the United States as a special representative from France to implore support in the French Revolution. Genet had previously resolved that the proclamation of neutrality was a â€Å"harmless little pleasantry designed to throw dust in the eyes of the British†. Commencing in Charleston, South Carolina, Genet traveled throughout the United States presenting his credentials. In addition to his quest for support, he began to license American vessels to operate as privateers against British shipping and to grant French military commissions to a number of Americans in order to prepare expeditions against Spanish and British territorial claims in North America. These two actions were in direct defilement of American law. Washington demanded that he cease his unlawful actions, but Genet continued to commission privateers because he enticed the public opinion. This incident is a lucid manifestation of Washington’s ample efforts to avoid war. Genet had copiously essayed to obtain American support in the French Revolution, and in accordance with America’s foreign policy, Washington vehemently resisted any involvement in war. In an attempt to deplete the threat of Americans supporting the French, he avowed that Genet would be expelled. Washington’s reaction to this controversy verified his foreign policy by showing that he was willing to avoid war at all costs, even if alliances were broken and foreign relations were damaged.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In addition to Washington’s response to the Genet affair, he further strived to avert involvement in war by signing the Jay Treaty. This treaty was written to prevent war with Britain, but concurrently it strained America’s relationship with France by going against their alliance.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Effective Communication Skills in a Diverse Workplace Essay -- work, j

As we all know diversity plays a big part in United States today, so the focus of this essay will be on effective communication skills in a diverse workplace, we’re going to find out the barriers of communication between different cultures, how important is diversity to all corporation/organization and how to improve our communication style/skills and how to become better listeners in order to avoid any lack of communication in the near future interactions. Anybody in a work environment having a good understanding of effective communication skills in a diverse workplace entails will enhance every person’s ability to experience a successful and professional work experience. Misinterpretations in the workplace can be rooted from a variety of cultural differences among distinctive ethnic backgrounds. Lack of proper communication skills in diverse workplace can cause many discrepancies among co-workers. People live in an increasingly complex world. Effective communication between fellow co-workers from different cultural backgrounds ensures a very successful organization. As we already know in today’s workplace it is very important to be able to communicate with our fellow’s co-workers. If you ever been around and listened to a monotone person communicate, it’s hard to understand their feelings on a subject. Unless they incorporate their gestures and tone, we are not going to be able to see their point of view and understand their meanings. We live and work around different cultures which it make us more aware of the different people around us, by dealing with diversity on the daily basic this will help us communicate better in the Workplace as well as personal interactions. â€Å"We live in a diverse society and career success de... ... and communication. Great communication always starts at the top. For us to become great communicators we first need to be great listeners. Works Cited Ronald B. Adler, Jeanne Marquardt Elmhorst, Communicating at Work Columbus, OH McGraw-Hill Companies, 2004. Judy C. Pearson, Paul E Nelson, Scott Titsworth, Lynn Harter. Human Communication. Columbus, OH McGraw-Hill Companies, 2003. Certo, Samuel C. (2008). Supervision concepts &ump; skill-building. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin Maxwell, John C. (1999). The 21 indispensable qualities of a leader. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson. Conrad, C. & Poole, M. Strategic Organizational Communication in a Global Economy. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 2002. McNamara, C. Field Guide to Leadership and Supervision for Nonprofit Staff. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Authenticity Consulting, LLC., 2003.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

World History: How Can a Discipline Remain Relevant? Essay -- World Hi

â€Å"Historians are a contentious lot. While their arguments are usually conducted in polite language, the disputations are conducted on a number of fronts at once, and the frame of mind of the disputants ranges from a sporting pleasure with making point after point to a savage determination to win the day.† Although a sense of negativity creeps into this notion of Manning’s, a strengthening of world history can also emerge from this back and forth debate. World history will take shape as scholars push each other to clarify and defend ideas, while remaining skeptical and critical readers. This debate is key to avoiding either a stagnation of ideas or a dilution of possible new insights. As Manning asserts, â€Å"The exciting debates and the real advances in knowledge come when multiple scholars are working on related topics, testing their assumptions, data, and interpretations against each other’s.† As world history moves forward, as a disc ipline, historians would do well to keep this in mind. In addition to internal debate, a need to defend world history as a discipline is still necessary. A significant amount of work was done on defining and defending world history in the early to mid 1990’s. Any cursory look at the Journal of World History during this time period highlights this fact. In addition if you look to the May 1995 issue of History and Theory you see a thematic take on world history. As a result of this scholarship the discipline of world history gained momentum in academia, especially at the teaching level. Despite this trend, world history still finds itself defending its ideas. World history has yet to gain support from the elite universities and those that wish to pursue a PhD in world history have limi... ...r than a series of airtight specialist monographs.† Only by engaging in the debate within and from outside of world history will the discipline continue to be relevant on both an academic and popular stage. Works Cited Duchesne, Ricardo. â€Å"Asia First?.† The Journal of the Historical Society 6, no. 1 (March 2006): 69-91. Frank, Andre Gunder. ReOrient: Global Economy in the Asian Age. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998. Hobson, John. â€Å"Explaining the Rise of the West: A Reply to Ricardo Duchesne.† The Journal of the Historical Society 6, no. 4 (December 2006): 579-599. Landes, David. The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor. New York: WW Norton and Company, 1999. Manning, Patrick. Navigating World History: Historian Create a Global Past New York: Palgrave/MacMillan, 2003. World History: How Can a Discipline Remain Relevant? Essay -- World Hi â€Å"Historians are a contentious lot. While their arguments are usually conducted in polite language, the disputations are conducted on a number of fronts at once, and the frame of mind of the disputants ranges from a sporting pleasure with making point after point to a savage determination to win the day.† Although a sense of negativity creeps into this notion of Manning’s, a strengthening of world history can also emerge from this back and forth debate. World history will take shape as scholars push each other to clarify and defend ideas, while remaining skeptical and critical readers. This debate is key to avoiding either a stagnation of ideas or a dilution of possible new insights. As Manning asserts, â€Å"The exciting debates and the real advances in knowledge come when multiple scholars are working on related topics, testing their assumptions, data, and interpretations against each other’s.† As world history moves forward, as a disc ipline, historians would do well to keep this in mind. In addition to internal debate, a need to defend world history as a discipline is still necessary. A significant amount of work was done on defining and defending world history in the early to mid 1990’s. Any cursory look at the Journal of World History during this time period highlights this fact. In addition if you look to the May 1995 issue of History and Theory you see a thematic take on world history. As a result of this scholarship the discipline of world history gained momentum in academia, especially at the teaching level. Despite this trend, world history still finds itself defending its ideas. World history has yet to gain support from the elite universities and those that wish to pursue a PhD in world history have limi... ...r than a series of airtight specialist monographs.† Only by engaging in the debate within and from outside of world history will the discipline continue to be relevant on both an academic and popular stage. Works Cited Duchesne, Ricardo. â€Å"Asia First?.† The Journal of the Historical Society 6, no. 1 (March 2006): 69-91. Frank, Andre Gunder. ReOrient: Global Economy in the Asian Age. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998. Hobson, John. â€Å"Explaining the Rise of the West: A Reply to Ricardo Duchesne.† The Journal of the Historical Society 6, no. 4 (December 2006): 579-599. Landes, David. The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor. New York: WW Norton and Company, 1999. Manning, Patrick. Navigating World History: Historian Create a Global Past New York: Palgrave/MacMillan, 2003.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Best of Times the Worst of Times

Comfort women were women and girls forced into a prostitution corps created by the Empire of Japan. [1] The name â€Å"comfort women† is a translation of a Japanese name ianfu ( ). [2][3] Ianfu is a euphemism for shofu ( ) whose meaning is â€Å"prostitute(s)†. [4] The earliest reporting on the issue in South Korea stated it was not a voluntary force,[5] and since 1989 a number of women have come forward testifying they were kidnapped by Imperial Japanese soldiers. Historians such as Lee Yeong-Hun[6] and Ikuhiko Hata stated the recruitment of comfort women was voluntary. 7] Other historians, using the testimony of ex-comfort women and surviving Japanese soldiers have argued the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy were either directly or indirectly involved in coercing, deceiving, luring, and sometimes kidnapping young women throughout Japan's occupied territories. [8] Estimates vary as to how many women were involved, with numbers ranging from as low as 20,000 from some Jap anese scholars[9] to as high as 410,000 from some Chinese scholars,[10] but the exact numbers are still being researched and debated.A majority of the women were from Korea, China, Japan and the Philippines,[11] although women from Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan, Indonesia and other Japanese-occupied territories were used for military â€Å"comfort stations†. Stations were located in Japan, China, the Philippines, Indonesia, then Malaya, Thailand, Burma, New Guinea, Hong Kong, Macau, and French Indochina. [12] According to testimony, young women from countries under Japanese Imperial control were abducted from their homes.In many cases, women were also lured with promises of work in factories or restaurants. Once recruited, the women were incarcerated in â€Å"comfort stations† in foreign lands. [13] A Dutch government study described how the Japanese military itself recruited women by force in the Dutch East Indies. [14] It revealed that a total of 300 Dutch wome n had been coerced into Japanese military sex slavery[15] The Best of Times the Worst of Times Comfort women were women and girls forced into a prostitution corps created by the Empire of Japan. [1] The name â€Å"comfort women† is a translation of a Japanese name ianfu ( ). [2][3] Ianfu is a euphemism for shofu ( ) whose meaning is â€Å"prostitute(s)†. [4] The earliest reporting on the issue in South Korea stated it was not a voluntary force,[5] and since 1989 a number of women have come forward testifying they were kidnapped by Imperial Japanese soldiers. Historians such as Lee Yeong-Hun[6] and Ikuhiko Hata stated the recruitment of comfort women was voluntary. 7] Other historians, using the testimony of ex-comfort women and surviving Japanese soldiers have argued the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy were either directly or indirectly involved in coercing, deceiving, luring, and sometimes kidnapping young women throughout Japan's occupied territories. [8] Estimates vary as to how many women were involved, with numbers ranging from as low as 20,000 from some Jap anese scholars[9] to as high as 410,000 from some Chinese scholars,[10] but the exact numbers are still being researched and debated.A majority of the women were from Korea, China, Japan and the Philippines,[11] although women from Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan, Indonesia and other Japanese-occupied territories were used for military â€Å"comfort stations†. Stations were located in Japan, China, the Philippines, Indonesia, then Malaya, Thailand, Burma, New Guinea, Hong Kong, Macau, and French Indochina. [12] According to testimony, young women from countries under Japanese Imperial control were abducted from their homes.In many cases, women were also lured with promises of work in factories or restaurants. Once recruited, the women were incarcerated in â€Å"comfort stations† in foreign lands. [13] A Dutch government study described how the Japanese military itself recruited women by force in the Dutch East Indies. [14] It revealed that a total of 300 Dutch wome n had been coerced into Japanese military sex slavery[15]

Friday, August 16, 2019

How is Chinas economy growing so crazy, and how it affects the world as well as China Essay

Abstract: In this case study, I will be doing research on how is China’s economy growing so crazy, and how it affects the world as well as China. You will also see cause their economy is growing so fast and what are the challenges they are facing right now and the future. Introduction: The Republic of China’ has overtaken Japan as world’s second largest economy, after United States, Japan had held the 2nd position since 1968. In 2016 or earlier, International Monetary Fund (IMF) claims China’s economy surpassing US, the era of America economy leadership will be over. It’s average grow rate is about 10% for pass 30 years, making them as the world’s fastest growing economy. China has also climbed to the world’s largest exporter and second largest importer in the world. China has considerable economic weaknesses like low income levels, resource depletion and high unemployment, whereas the U.S. has comparable strengths and is poised to remain a global leader: Why is their economy growing so fast? The reason why their economy is growing dramatically, we will have to start from 1978, when the government executed a bunch of strategies for economy reform. These programs are including, encouraged rural enterprises, private businesses, liberalized foreign trade, investment, less control over prices, invested in industrial production, educate their workforce. Their economy had an annual growth of 6% initially, and peak of 17 percent, plus every capital income was quadruple in last 15 years. In 1997, some experts had already predicted that the China economy would sure be bigger than the US in less than 20 years. Here is IMF research team conclusion: New factories, manufacturing machines, communication systems and the amount of Chinese workers, increase in productivity were the factors that putting them as one of the strongest economy country. image02.jpg Automobile Industry China was rank third in the automobile industry by 2006 after Japan and US. During the reform, their automotive productions were less than 14000 yearly. Guess what? By 2002 their production jumped all the way up to 3.25 million! And 2009, it reached to 14 million. In 2009, China passed the States to become number 1 car maker worldwide. Domestic sales stayed with production, in 2006 8 million of cars were sold, which includes 5 million passenger cars and 2 million of commercial cars which shows how low price they sold their cars. The vehicles industry has been so successful in China so they begin to target exporting body parts worldwide in 1999.China has made a big step planning to get involved into image03.pngautomobile export business in 2005. In 2004, 15 major oversees automotive manufacturer plants in China. By 2003 China exports cost of 5 billion with unit of 80000 vehicles and parts, 174000 units in 2005 and 350000 units in 2006. Their goal is to reach at least of 80 billion US dollars by 2010. image04.png Natural Resources Coal: Coal is one of the most important natural resources for China, the most conserves mineral resources are considered to be coal and iron ore. Although they can be found in nearly most of the provinces, almost all of them are located in the northern part of China. A lot of good quality coals like bituminous coal are mostly reserved in China, Anthracite coals also present in some areas but its quite rare overall, that’s mostly found in Rocky Mountain. Coal helps the bulk of China’s energy consumption (75% in 2006), which led them again the world’s largest producer/consumer of coal. China usage of coal will be increasing dramatically as their economy continues to rise in absolute terms. If China keep increasingly rely on coal as a power consumption, it is going to put them becoming largest acid- rain causing sulfur dioxide and greenhouse gases. Oil and gas: China oil resources are also majorly located in north area provinces; types of oil include Oil shale and light oil. They uses up most of their oil output but doesn’t export any crude oil products, they are starting to develop oil deposits in China Seas and other oceans. Amount of natural gas reserves is unknown because they have only done a little exploration job on natural gases, Szechuan province accounts the most known natural gas reserves and production. Hydroelectric resources China has a great hydroelectric production due to their great river network and the mountainous terrain. A lot of the hydroelectric stations are located in the southwest of the country where low amount of coals are found but demand for energy is high. The potential of energy in north is small but the first hydroelectricity power station was built there by the Japanese during the occupation. In the winter, they have lower amount of rainfall, therefore, the stations are usually run less than the normal capacity, on other hand, flood always occur in the summer. What are the challenges that China is facing? High Inflation: Inflation is definitely one of the most challenges globally, but it is definitely the worse disaster for China that other countries. For clothes, the costs jumped 1.5% in April, it is the biggest up since 1997. For non-food, it didn’t have that much of different but it was still about 3%. For food, the price has inflated 11% on April

Thursday, August 15, 2019

International Joint Venture Stakeholders

As for the media reports on possible child labor and substandard wages, let’s recall an old newspaper saying: â€Å"Never pick fights with anyone who buys ink by the barrel. † That is, as a CEO, I would not pick fights with the media, but to act promptly, discuss the issue with the CEO of Mitsamatsu, and correct the inaccurate news without casting blame. There is no doubt that whichever the decision I make will ultimately effects the shareholders. However, it would beneficial in all aspects to join Mitsamatsu company if they are truly a legit corporation; it could also have a very negative effect if the accusation are true.Joint venture with Mitsamatsu with profit shareholders if it is a legit company, but if indeed the accusation is true, it could compromise the U. S. -based corporation for the worse. I would first hold off on any commitments until all the details are on the table and there is clear evidence there are no illegal and/or immoral activities taking place. A meeting with the appropriate officials would definitely be the agenda and once clarifications are made, the appropriate decisions could be acted upon. Not only the shareholders will be affected with the decision, it will also directly affect the employees of the U.S. corporation. Without clarification with evidence the employees would suffer anxiety and depression, also feel in a state of instability, because their future would depend on the final decision of the joint venture. If joint venture is legit and processed, it could mean more jobs and even expanded opportunities for advancement of position and pay for the current employees. But if joint venture goes through and indeed the accusations are true and the news hits the markets and the stocks, it could lead to a lot of loss in profits, which would in turn mean more cuts, and loss of jobs.In order to keep employees from going into panic mode and spreading rumors and decreasing productivity and increasing errors, I would set up a temporary department to address the employees needs and to answer all their questions. Also a department relaying up to date information to employees and shareholders would keep everyone at easy and abreast with all the new developments so they do not waste time looking for untrue information elsewhere. The decision could also affect employees in Asia. Joint venture could also mean more jobs in Asia and maybe even higher pay for them and more positions available.If joint venture does not go through and accusation are true, it may mean a lot of employees in that company may end up losing their jobs as well. Even though they may have not been being paid enough; they were still making money to make ends meet and that cut could be detrimental to the employees there as well as their families. They may even get reimbursed for loss or unfair pay in the past if appropriate legal actions can be taken, but some employees live day to day for just even food in outside countries and the delay of income may also affect them negatively.If the joint venture is made there may be opportunities for employees from the US working in ASIA but under unstandardized conditions, which may not be at the best interest of the employees. True, sending employees to Asia will open up more job positions, but it will be very risky if there are no standards set there. A good corporation at the end of the day wants what is best for their shareholders and employees.

How does Jane Austen ensure that Lizzy and Darcy are the most attractive couple in the novel? Essay

We are introduced to the character of Lizzy early on, and in such away that we are immediately given a positive impression of her. We first hear of her in a conversation between Mr and Mrs Bennet when discussing the arrival of Mr Bingley. â€Å"I must throw in a good word for my little Lizzy† Mr Bennet says, â€Å"Lizzy has something more of quickness than her sisters† This is the first impression that we have of Lizzy. To introduce her character in this way means that even before meeting her, we are already thinking of her character and already have an image of her in our minds. We see that Mr Bennet points out Lizzy’s ‘quickness’, showing that she is clever and not absent minded and dull. By hearing his praise of her, we can not dislike her unless we see something that we disapprove, which never occurs, as such. In order for Darcy and Elizabeth to be attractive as a couple, they also need to be attractive as individuals. Their attractiveness, not just of looks but of personality, are hinted to us throughout the novel. Lizzy is strong-willed, witty, bright and intelligent. â€Å"Really, ma’am, I think it would be very hard upon younger sisters, that they should not have their share of society and amusement, because the elderly may not have the means or inclination to marry early. The last born has a good a right to the pleasures of youth as the first.† This is from the conversation between Lizzy and Lady Catherine about Lydia’s marriage, which shows how Lizzy is happy to speak her mind and show her point of view. To the reader this is admirable, perhaps especially at the time when in society she would have kept it to herself due to her age, position and feminism. We see also, that various people, like her father, have much more respect for her due to it. This leads to influence us to see her in the same way. Darcy originally appears to us in a different manner. While the first impression we get of Lizzy is positive, the impression we get of Darcy is soon considerably negative. However, Jane Austen does not immediately influence us to dislike him. â€Å"his friend Mr Darcy soon drew the attention of the room by his fine, tall person, handsome features, noble mien, and the report which was in general circulation within five minutes after his entrance, of his having ten thousand a-year.† The quote is taken from when Darcy first enters the story at the Meryton ball. He is talked of with much approval and very much admired. However, this view is soon altered when we witness his conversation with Bingley at the dance. Bingley is attempting to persuade Darcy to participate and to dance with Lizzy. â€Å"She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me; and I am in no humour at present to give consequence to young ladies who are slighted by other men.† This insults Lizzy, being in her earshot, and yet she can laugh at how ridiculous his manner was. His rudeness also influences the reader of how we perceive him. With additional incidents similar, we are for a long time under the impression that Darcy is a very proud and rude man and so it takes a long time to change our views. However, with the image of the very first description of Darcy, there is something slightly attractive in his character to grow on. It is interesting to note that although Darcy is handsome and very rich, we do not base his attractiveness individually on this. There are also other attractive features of Darcy that develop later on in the novel. This is interesting as it is opposite to an incident in the book concerning Wickham. â€Å"She could have added, â€Å"A young man, too, like you, whose very countenance may vouch for your being amiable†.† Here Lizzy has mistaken the good looks of Wickham for goodness. While Wickham is attractive in the face, his personality is not so. We are not only drawn to Darcy for his looks, however, but also look for something more attractive than physical attraction and wealth. â€Å"He is the best landlord, and the best master,† she said, â€Å"that ever lived; not like the wild young men nowadays, who think nothing but themselves. There is not one of his tenants or servants but what will give him a good name.† This report of Darcy from his housekeeper demonstrates the character we see developing. By such information, it is suggested that what we originally presumed of him to be proud and rude, may actually, in some ways, be misunderstandings of his character, as we learn that he is merely the strong, silent type. The improvement of Darcy’s character, as well as the less obvious improvement of Elizabeth’s, is one of the attractive features of their partnership. The way that they work on their relationship is attractive because they do not just settle with an easy option but admit mistakes and amend problems. They both realise faults in themselves due to each other. Darcy’s pride and Lizzy’s prejudice. Darcy’s pride we have already seen at the ball. This is shown to us in an obvious manner and even stated and talked about. It is often Lizzy who complains about it and is the reason that she despises Darcy so much and for so long. This also demonstrates her prejudice. Although it is noticeable in many occasions, her prejudice is less public. However, she still learns from her mistakes. These two aspects of their characters do not mix and so is not until they can overcome them, that they realise how right they are for each other. The development of their partnership in this way is attractive, rising it above other couples in the novel. We can look at the marriage of Bingley and Jane, for instance, for comparison. Jane and Bingley’s marriage is the only other in the book that we are happy for, however, the marriage of Lizzy and Darcy still improves on it. While the former is very simple and ‘pretty’, the latter is a lot deeper, with the way it was developed forming interesting layers of characters. Other couples are a lot more obviously unsuited. Mr and Mrs Bennet are one such example. When their marriage took place, Mrs Bennet married up in society, while Mr Bennet married down. Mrs Bennet was attractive but vacuous and she didn’t improve in intelligence. We can presume that Mr Bennet regretted the marriage. We see an inclination of this when he is advising Lizzy on her marriage to Darcy. â€Å"My child, let me not have the grief of seeing you unable to respect your partner in life. You know not what you are about.† We can suggest from this that Mr Bennet is reflecting on himself, and the mistake that he carried out in marrying Mrs Bennet, as he appears to be talking from experience. We see many examples where he is not happy with his marriage and not happy with Mrs Bennet. â€Å"My dear, do not give way to such gloomy thoughts. Let us hope for better things. Let us flatter ourselves that I may be the survivor† This is Mr Bennet’s reply to a conversation with Mrs Bennet about what would happen to their property when he died. We see how he has no respect for her as he is continually mocking her in this cruel way throughout the book. The amount of sarcasm and irony he uses suggests that he is merely taking it all as a joke, as if were he to take it seriously, he would not be able to handle it. We see also in the novel how, to get away from it, he spends a lot of his time by himself in his library where Mrs Bennet and the rest of the family can not disturb him. Lizzy and Darcy’s marriage however, already proves to be more successful. As a couple, they are good for each other. They can succeed in the development of each others character. They are both intelligent people, unlike Mrs Bennet, who can carry out intellectual conversations and discussions. We can see this in an earlier conversation. â€Å"To yield readily – easily – persuasion of a friend is no merit with you.† â€Å"To yield without conviction is no compliment to the understanding of either.† â€Å"You appear to me, Mr Darcy, to allow nothing for the influence of friendship and affection† This is one such example of Darcy and Lizzy exchanging and debating opinions. We can also compare this to the marriage of Charlotte Lucas and Mr Collins. â€Å"When Mr Collins could be forgotten, there was a great air of comfort throughout, and by Charlotte’s evident enjoyment of it, Elizabeth supposed he must often be forgotten.† This was taken from Lizzy’s visit to Hunsford to visit Mr and Mrs Collins. It shows how happier Charlotte is when her husband isn’t there, and that this is often the case. Lizzy and Darcy however, enjoy each other’s company immensely and do not tire of it. We see that the Collins’ marriage is a marriage of convenience. It is stable, they have money and their own space from each other, but there is no love. They would never sit and enjoy a conversation but would much rather be separate from each other, similarly to Mr and Mrs Bennet, but right from the start of their marriage. Darcy and Lizzy as a couple are attractive because they are so meant to be. Jane Austen has written us a Romantic novel where the well matched always end up living happily ever after. They are not bad like Lydia and Wickham and so we feel a great love for them and believe that they deserve to be happy together. By being able to compare them to many other couples in the book we see even more clearly how they, as a couple, are the most attractive.